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Compare Accounts

Our accounts are available on the award-winning MT4 and MT5 platforms.


Standard Account

A commission-free account that is perfect for new traders looking to start investing. Standard accounts offer instant execution, stable spreads.

Trading platforms
MT4 - MT5 - MultiBank Trader 4/5
Minimum initial deposit of
Spreads from
1.5 Pips
Up to 500:1
24/7 technical and account support
Multilingual customer service

Pro Account

The Pro account is suitable for traders looking to take advantage of zero commissions, tight spreads, and instant execution.

Trading platforms
MT4 - MT5 - MultiBank Trader 4/5
Minimum initial deposit of
Spreads from
0.8 Pips
Up to 500:1
Social Trading
24/7 technical and account support
Multilingual customer service

MIP Account

An MIP account is best suited for traders looking for raw spreads and instant execution.

Trading platforms
MT4 - MT5 - MultiBank Trader 4/5
Minimum initial deposit of
Spreads from
0.0 Pips
Up to 500:1
Social Trading
24/7 technical and account support
Multilingual customer service

Our Products

MultiBank Group provides a wide selection of financial products to trade in global financial markets. We offer 20,000+ instruments including Forex, Commodities, Metals, Indices, Shares, and Cryptocurrencies.

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MEX Atlantic Corporation is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority . High Risk Investment Warning: Trading foreign exchange and/or leveraged financial derivatives products on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds. Please refer to specific risk disclosure during the account opening process.